create invoice from order XAF

659 Views Asked by At

I am trying to create an invoice from an order in XAF. I follow the Add an Action that Displays a Pop-up Window from the devexpress web site

Using a View controller and an Action I have an order class and order_Details class as a Collection of orders with an Invoice class and Invoice_Data class as a collection of Invoice

  Private Sub Create_Invoice_Action_CustomizePopupWindowParams(sender As Object, e As CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs) Handles Create_Invoice_Action.CustomizePopupWindowParams
        Dim objectSpace As IObjectSpace = Application.CreateObjectSpace()
        e.View = Application.CreateListView(Application.FindListViewId(GetType(elmts.OrderDetail)), _
        New CollectionSource(objectSpace, GetType(elmts.OrderDetail)), True)

    End Sub

    Private Sub ShowNotesAction_Execute(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As PopupWindowShowActionExecuteEventArgs) Handles Create_Invoice_Action.Execute

        Dim _invoiceDetails As elmts.InvoiceData = CType(View.CurrentObject, elmts.InvoiceData)
        For Each _nv_Det As elmts.OrderDetail In e.PopupWindow.View.SelectedObjects
            If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_invoiceDetails.ProductName)) Then
                _invoiceDetails.ProductName += Environment.NewLine
            End If
            _invoiceDetails.ProductName += _nv_Det.Division
        Next _nv_Det
        Dim item As ViewItem = (CType(View, DetailView)).FindItem("ProductName")
        CType(item, PropertyEditor).ReadValue()
        'Save changes to the database if the current Detail View is displayed in the View mode 
        If TypeOf View Is DetailView AndAlso (CType(View, DetailView)).ViewEditMode = _
            ViewEditMode.View Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub PopupNotesController_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Activated
        Create_Invoice_Action.Active.SetItemValue("ObjectType", DirectCast(View, DetailView).ObjectTypeInfo.Type Is GetType(elmts.Order))
    End Sub​

Another words I like to from the Order detailView with an OrderDetailsCollection view add an action that will

  1. Create the new Invoice and Commit the changes to the database
  2. grab the Oder.OrderDetail Collection currentview items and pass them to the Newly created Invoice.InvoiceData Collection
  3. Set the Order as Invoiced

Thanks for any help provided.


There are 1 best solutions below


I hope this helps:

Private Sub Create_Invoice_Action_CustomizePopupWindowParams(sender As Object, e As CustomizePopupWindowParamsEventArgs) Handles Create_Invoice_Action.CustomizePopupWindowParams
    Dim objectSpace As IObjectSpace = Application.CreateObjectSpace()
    e.View = Application.CreateListView(Application.FindListViewId(GetType(elmts.OrderDetail)), _
    New CollectionSource(objectSpace, GetType(elmts.OrderDetail)), True)

End Sub

Private Sub ShowNotesAction_Execute(ByVal sender As Object, _ByVal e As PopupWindowShowActionExecuteEventArgs) Handles Create_Invoice_Action.Execute
    'Dim _invoiceDetails As elmts.InvoiceData = CType(View.CurrentObject, elmts.InvoiceData) << Wrong, since View.CurrentObject is elmts.Order
    Dim _order As elmts.Order = CType(View.CurrentObject, elmts.Order); 
    Dim _invoiceDetails As elmts.InvoiceData = _order.CreateInvoice(); 'creates a new InvoiceData

    For Each _nv_Det As elmts.OrderDetail In e.PopupWindow.View.SelectedObjects
        If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(_invoiceDetails.ProductName)) Then
            _invoiceDetails.ProductName += Environment.NewLine
        End If
        _invoiceDetails.ProductName += _nv_Det.Division
    Next _nv_Det
    Dim item As ViewItem = (CType(View, DetailView)).FindItem("ProductName")
    CType(item, PropertyEditor).ReadValue()
    'Save changes to the database if the current Detail View is displayed in the View mode 
    If TypeOf View Is DetailView AndAlso (CType(View, DetailView)).ViewEditMode = _
        ViewEditMode.View Then
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub PopupNotesController_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Activated
    Create_Invoice_Action.Active.SetItemValue("ObjectType", DirectCast(View, DetailView).ObjectTypeInfo.Type Is GetType(elmts.Order))
End Sub​