Create topographic map in R

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I am trying to create a script that will generate a 2d topographic or contour map for a given set of coordinates. My goal is something similar to what is produced by


but for any location set by the user. This has proved surprisingly challenging! I have tried:


# Generate a data frame of lat/long coordinates.
ex.df <- data.frame(x=seq(from=-73, to=-71, length.out=10), 
                       y=seq(from=41, to=45, length.out=10))

# Specify projection.
prj_dd <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"

# Use elevatr package to get elevation data for each point.
df.sp <- get_elev_point(ex.df, prj = prj_dd, src = "epqs")

# Convert from spatial to regular data frame, remove extra column.
# Use tidyr to convert to lat x lon table with elevation as fill.
# Sorry for the terrible code, I know this is sloppy.
df <-
df$elev_units <- NULL
df.w <- df %>% spread(y, elevation)
df.w <- as.matrix(df.w)

This creates a matrix similar to the volcano dataset but filled with NAs except for the 10 lat/lon pairs with elevation data. contour can handle NAs, but the result of contour(df.w) has only a single tiny line on it. I'm not sure where to go from here. Do I simply need more points? Thanks in advance for any help--I'm pretty new to R and I think I've bitten off more than I can chew with this project.


There are 1 best solutions below


Sorry for delay in responding. I suppose I need to check SO for elevatr questions!

I would use elevatr::get_elev_raster(), which returns a raster object which can be plotted directly with raster::contour().

Code example below grabs a smaller area and at a pretty coarse resolution. Resultant contour looks decent though.


# Generate a data frame of lat/long coordinates.
ex.df <- data.frame(x=seq(from=-73, to=-72.5, length.out=10), 
                    y=seq(from=41, to=41.5, length.out=10))

# Specify projection.
prj_dd <- "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"

# Use elevatr package to get elevation data for each point.
elev <- get_elev_raster(ex.df, prj = prj_dd, z = 10, clip = "bbox")


enter image description here

If it is a requirement to use graphic::contour(), you'll need to convert the raster object to a matrix first with raster::as.matrix(elev). That flips the coords though and I haven't spent enough time to try and get that part figured out... Hopefully the raster solution works for you.