Creating a custom Add-in for Excel 2016 and it is not available from the My Add-In menu

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I have created an Excel add-in following the instructions from Everything went fine following along with the instructions and then I copied the solution out to a network share and then copied the manifest file to a different network share.

Then I tried following the instructions in the "Try it out" section of the page with adding the network location of the manifest file to into the Trusted Add-On Catalogs. Then after restarting Excel and going into the My Add-Ins button I see the Shared Folder tab on the screen, but I do not see the custom add-in, so I can't select it. Does anyone know what I'm missing.

My manifest file looks like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <OfficeApp xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="TaskPaneApp">
      <DisplayName DefaultValue="Sample Excel Add-In" />
      <Description DefaultValue="Sample Excel Add-In"/>
        <Capability Name="Workbook" />
        <SourceLocation DefaultValue="\\pathtowheresolutionwas copied\ExcelAddInTest\Home.html" />

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The problem here was I followed along with the instructions in the document, but there is one part that is not really correct. It has you copy the Website out to a network share, but that can't be copied out to a network share it needs to be published to a website that is running https.