Creating voice assistant in python and storing user's input

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I have created a very simple voice assistant that listens to the user's input (more specifically, the user's story). Now, I want to create a function that stores the user's input - hereby, I have multiple questions:

  1. Do I need a dictionary or a dataframe?
  2. How do I write a function that stores the user's input (splitted into column A = timestamp and column B = user's input)?
  3. How do I write a function that creates a new row whenever there's a new user input?

This is my code so far:

def speak(audio):

def wishMe():
    hour = int(
    if hour>= 0 and hour<12:
        speak("Good Morning!")
    elif hour>= 12 and hour<18:
        speak("Good Afternoon!")  
        speak("Good Evening!") 
    assistantname =("Anna")
    speak("I am your personal storykeeper " + assistantname)
#why doesn't this come right after "I am your personal storykeeper??"
def username():
    speak("I would love to know more about you, so let's start off right away. What's your name?")
    username = takeCommand()
    speak("Nice to meet you " + username + ".")
    print("Nice to meet you " + username + ".")
    #columns = shutil.get_terminal_size().columns
def storykeepergoal():
    speak("Would you like to know more about my goal to conserve your family's stories?")
    query = takeCommand().lower() #All the commands said by user will be stored here in 'query' and will be converted to lower case for easily recognition of command
    if "yes" in query:
        speak("Happy that you are interested to learn more about me. You've probably experienced the moment at a family's birthday party when it's all about telling stories from when you were little, or a funny story about a vacation. As life goes on, those stories might be forgotten or cannot be told anymore. This is where I come in - by telling me stories about your favourite moments in life, I can store these forever. Your family can do the same thing. And if you would like to hear a story that your family members told me, you can tune in.")
        print("Happy that you are interested to learn more about me. You've probably experienced the moment at a family's birthday party when it's all about telling stories from when you were little, or a funny story about a vacation. As life goes on, those stories might be forgotten or cannot be told anymore. This is where I come in - by telling me stories about your favourite moments in life, I can store these forever. Your family can do the same thing. And if you would like to hear a story that your family members told me, you can tune in.")

        speak("Alright, no problem.")
        print("Alright, no problem.")

def getstory():
    speak("I am curious to hear what memories and stories you have about your family. Please tell me your favourite memory with, or about your family.")

    query = takeCommand().lower() #All the commands said by user will be stored here in 'query' and will be converted to lower case for easily recognition of command

def takeCommand():
    r = sr.Recognizer()
    with sr.Microphone() as source:
        r.pause_threshold = 1
        audio = r.listen(source)
        query = r.recognize_google(audio, language ='en-GB')
        print(f"User said: {query}\n")

    except Exception as e:
        speak("My apologies, I did not understand that. Could you please say that again?")
        print("My apologies, I did not understand that. Could you please say that again?") 
        return "None"
    return query 

def append():
    for query in story:
        #df_story = pd.DataFrame(story)
        new_row = {"timestamp": (now), "query": takeCommand()}

        #df_story = df_story.append(new_row, ignore_index=True)



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