CUDA critical sections, thread/warp execution model and NVCC compiler decisions

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Recently I posted this question, about a critical section. Here is a similar question. In those questions the given answer says, that is up to the compiler if the code "works" or not, because the order of the various paths of execution is up to the compiler.

To elaborate the rest of the question I need the following excerpts from The CUDA programming guide:

  1. ... Individual threads composing a warp start together at the same program address, but they have their own instruction address counter and register state and are therefore free to branch and execute independently....
  2. A warp executes one common instruction at a time, so full efficiency is realized when all 32 threads of a warp agree on their execution path. If threads of a warp diverge via a data-dependent conditional branch, the warp serially executes each branch path taken, disabling threads that are not on that path, and when all paths complete, the threads converge back to the same execution path....
  3. The execution context (program counters, registers, etc.) for each warp processed by a multiprocessor is maintained on-chip during the entire lifetime of the warp. Therefore, switching from one execution context to another has no cost, and at every instruction issue time, a warp scheduler selects a warp that has threads ready to execute its next instruction (the active threads of the warp) and issues the instruction to those threads.

What I understand from this three excerpts is that, threads can diverge freely from the rest, all the branch possibilities will be serialized if there is divergence between threads, and if a branch is taken it will execute till completion. And that is why the questions mentioned above ends on deadlock, because the ordering of the execution paths imposed by the compiler, results in the taking of a branch that doesn't get the lock.

Now the question is: the compiler shouldn't always put the branches in the order written by the user?, is there a high level way to enforce the order? I know, the compiler can optimize, do a reordering of the instructions, etc, but it should not fundamentally change the logic of the code (yes there are exceptions like some memory access without the volatile keyword, but that is why the keyword exists, to give control to the user).


The main point of this question is not about critical sections, is about the compiler, for example in the first link, a compilation flag change drastically the logic of the code. One "working", and the other doesn't. What bothers me, is that in all the reference, it only says be careful, nothing about undefined behaviour from the nvcc compiler.


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I believe the order of execution is not set, nor guaranteed, by the CUDA compiler. It's the hardware that sets it - as far as I can recall.


the compiler shouldn't always put the branches in the order written by the user?

It doesn't control execution order anyway

is there a high level way to enforce the order?

Just the synchronization instructions like __syncthreads().

The compiler... should not fundamentally change the logic of the code

The semantics of CUDA code is not the same as for C++ code... sequential execution of if branches is not part of the semantics.

I realize this answer may not be satisfying to you, but that's how things stand, for better or for worse.