Custom Blazor Server Component Not Invoking the OnClick Function

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I have created a layout component in the same directory as with the MainLayout component. The CustomLayout @inherits LayoutComponentBase and has @Body which gets the content to be rendered inside the layout.

As obviously expected, the layout component has its own css files and UI display is fine. I am only having a problem with the @onclick function. It cannot be invoked. Is there a way to trigger the function on button click?

The reason I want to do this is that I am creating a navigation bar which will have to show/hide a dropdown. I hope I can get some ideas on this. Appreciated.

I am calling a server function this way: @onclick="SomeFuction" or @onclick="SomeFuction" or @onclick="@(() => SomeFuction())"


@inherits LayoutComponentBase

Home page referencing a custom layout:


[AllowAnonymous] is just for allowing anonymous access.

I am using Blazor Server and .NET 6

Additional Information: I have put all the code in one page so that it becomes easier to read and understand.

Here is the LayoutComponent razor component:

@inherits LayoutComponentBase

<div class="navbar" id="custom-navbar">
    <div class="wrapper">
        <button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="ToggleProductsUI">Products</button>
    </div>  </div>

<!--Component to show Products UI Component. Scoped css for styling--> 

<ProductsComponent TValue="string" UIState="@ProductsUIState"></ProductsComponent>

    // state of the Products submenu Component
    string ProductsUIState { get; set; }

    // a control function for toggling the Products UI
    // this function somehow is not invoked.
    void ToggleProductsUI()
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProductsUIState))
            ProductsUIState = "show-ui";
        ProductsUIState = string.Empty;

Here is the ProductsUI component code (I have removed the unnecessary event to avoid confusion. The component can be fully controlled by the parent):

public partial class ProductsComponent<TValue> { 
    public string? UIState { get; set; } }

Blazor pages that will use the custom layout component will point to it like this:

public partial class Index

This is working fine. The issue is in the CustomLayoutComponent when trying to invoke the ToggleProductsUI() function


There are 1 best solutions below


I accidentally inluded a <body> element in the layout and as such, the <script src="_framework/blazor.server.js"></script> was not being run hence the click event was not being invoked. I removed the <body> element. I was misled by the default body{} style in the underlining scopped css. Resolved.