Custom Dashboard for AdminJS not working in production

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I have a Koa nodejs server which I added AdminJS to and it's working beautifully locally. My goal is to override the Dashboard component. I did so successfully when not running in production. However when I run in production mode (NODE_ENV=production node ./dist/server.js) it fails silently.

  const componentLoader = new ComponentLoader();
  const Components = {
    Dashboard: componentLoader.add("Dashboard", "./admin/dashboard"),
  const admin = new AdminJS({
    dashboard: {
      component: Components.Dashboard,

My dashboard.tsx file is in src/admin/ and admin is a folder on the same level as src/server.ts. Also, my componentLoader when I inspect it is showing the correct filePath that ends with dist/admin/dashboard

Also, when I check dist/admin/dashboard.js I see my React code. So my tsconfig seems to be correct and the dashboard.tsx has a default export.

What confuses me is when I run nodemon --watch src --exec node -r esbuild-register src/server.ts is works correctly so it seems in general I have things hooked up correctly.

Lastly, here's my tsconfig.json.

    "$schema": "",
    "compilerOptions": {
        "jsx": "react",
        "lib": [
        "target": "es2017",
        "module": "commonjs",
        "esModuleInterop": true,
        "resolveJsonModule": true,
        "strict": true,
        "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
        "noImplicitAny": true,
        "allowJs": false,
        "skipLibCheck": true,
        "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
        "noImplicitReturns": true,
        "strictNullChecks": true,
        "moduleResolution": "node",
        "inlineSources": true,
        "sourceRoot": "/",
        "sourceMap": true,
        "isolatedModules": true,
        "outDir": "./dist",
        "rootDir": "./src",
        "composite": true,
        "baseUrl": ".",
        "paths": {
            "src/*": [
    "exclude": [
    "files": [
    "include": [

UPDATE: I did notice that the components.bundle.js file was missing when navigating to my adminjs dashboard. Since I am using GCP App Engine, I know that that file will not able to be built and saved on the fly in the file system so I have integrated @adminjs/bundler which creates the missing files. However the piece I still haven't put together is how to integrate it into the build pipeline (in particular I'm not sure what the destination of the components.bundle.js should be).


There are 2 best solutions below


Before I explain my solution here are a few pieces of context:

  • When using NODE_ENV=production, adminjs does a few things differently, in particular the components.bundle.js file gets served differently. In production, it looks for the file at ./.adminjs/bundle.js
  • That's when the bundler comes in (which is necessary anyway for certain cloud environments like GCP App Engine). You have to create your own components.bundler.js file which they have a tool for.

First, I created a file which bundles the frontend components. I have not tried doing that with the ComponentLoader so I wouldn't need duplicate code yet, but here's what I know for certain works:

import AdminJS, { OverridableComponent } from "adminjs";  

const bundle = (path: string, componentName: string) =>
  AdminJS.bundle(`./${path}`, componentName as OverridableComponent);

export const DashboardComponent = bundle("../src/dashboard", "Dashboard");

I believe if I were to create a file which creates the ComponentLoader and adds the components that it would be equivalent (it would export the Components and the componentLoader for use by the AdminJS configuration).

Note ../src/dashboard is simply the location of the dashboard.tsx file I chose. And Dashboard is the name of the component.

Then, I created a script which uses @adminjs/bundler to actually create the bundles. (I named it bundler.ts).

import { bundle } from "@adminjs/bundler";

 * yarn admin:bundle invokes this script.
 * This file is used to bundle AdminJS files. It is used at compile time
 * to generate the frontend component bundles that are used in AdminJS.
void (async () => {
  await bundle({
    customComponentsInitializationFilePath: "./components.ts",
    destinationDir: "./.adminjs",

I added a script to my package.json which does the following:

ts-node ./bundler.ts && mv ./.adminjs/components.bundle.js ./.adminjs/bundle.js

Now, when I run this script (which I do when I run before doing node ./dist/server.js), the adminjs router is going to be able to find the previously missing file.

Note that when running your server you'll also want to make sure you set ADMIN_JS_SKIP_BUNDLE='true'.

I hope this helps the next person. I also do hope some documentation and better tooling is on its way. This is kind of messy but solved my issue for now.


I'm using NestJS and ended up doing something similar. I added the build script below but still feels very hacky.

import AdminJS from 'adminjs';
import {componentLoader, dashboardConfig} from './components/components';

process.env['NODE_ENV'] = 'production';
const admin             = new AdminJS({
    componentLoader: componentLoader,
    dashboard      : dashboardConfig
admin.initialize().then(() => process.exit(0));