Custom domains with Azure Websites (Multi tenant)

1k Views Asked by At

This article - explains the below approach on how to let customers add custom domains and map to your application.

As an alternative you could allow each tenant to create its own DNS entry that maps a domain or subdomain owned by the tenant to one of your application’s DNS names. For example, Adatum could create the following DNS entry in its DNS configuration: CNAME

Or Adatum could create the following entry: CNAME

In either case you could use the custom domain name in your ASP.NET routing by using the technique suggested in option 3 above, or use the Request.Url class in your code to identify the domain.

I can achieve this so far with subdomains but when I create the CNAME below to my application I end up with a 404 (Web App not found). I don't want to have to add a custom domain inside azure for each customer. I'd like to automate the process for my SaaS site. Thanks


There are 1 best solutions below


when I create the CNAME below to my application I end up with a 404 (Web App not found)

It seems you do not configure the custom domain correctly. I would suggest you use Dig Web interface to trace your DNS domain. Please also check your steps from this article to ensure the custom domain is configure correctly.