Custom input field text in Adyen card component in angular

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I am trying to implement Adyen card component for card payment method. StyleObject works if I want to change the font, colour etc of the input fields for card number , security code etc. But I am unbale to change the input field label.I have tried using localisation and aria-label so far and they are not working.This is what my adyen.service.ts file looks like:

    export class AdyenService {

      "payButton": "essfsdfsdf",
      "paymentMethods.moreMethodsButton": "More payment methods",    
  styleObject = {
    base: {
      color: 'black',
      fontSize: '16px',
      fontSmoothing: 'antialiased',
      fontFamily: 'Helvetica'
    error: {
      color: 'red'
    placeholder: {
      color: '#d8d8d8'
    validated: {
      color: 'green'

  constructor(private readonly router: Router) { }

  getConfiguration(session: SessionResponseModel) {
    const configuration = {
      clientKey: clientKey,
      analytics: {
        enabled: true
      paymentMethodsConfiguration: {
        card: {
          hasHolderName: true,
          holderNameRequired: true,
          showPayButton: true,
          locale: "en-GB",
          translations: this.translations
          styles: this.styleObject


    return configuration;

Here are the links of angular docs I am following: localization custom Card component


There are 1 best solutions below


Place thetranslations attribute in the root of the Configuration object and use the label creditCard.cvcField.title to override the Security Code label

const translations={
      "payButton": "essfsdfsdf",
      "paymentMethods.moreMethodsButton": "More payment methods",


const configuration = {
      environment: environment.options.adyen.environment,
      clientKey: environment.options.adyen.clientKey,
      locale: "en-GB",
      translations: translations,

Here is a video explaining the different options to localize the Drop-in, on GitHub you can find the labels you can customise.