CVS to Mercurial conversion with CRLF

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I have converted a CVS repository to Mercurial, but the carriage returns are converted from CRLF (Windows style) to LF (Unix style). However, I want CRLFs in the repository! I realise that you can combat this problem with Mercurial extensions win32text and eol. But I would really prefer to have the repository converted with CRLFs in the first place.

I would like to hear if anyone has succeeded in this endeavour!


There are 1 best solutions below


Hrm, I've not heard people say it does that before, but I've never tried to put CRLF in a repo before either. I'd guess it's not the mercurial convert doing the line ending change so much as it's the cvs export tool that it chains off to. I

Try using cvs2svn or cvs2git as an intermediary step as recommended here: