Dafny - Substring implementation

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Im trying to write a simple verified implementation of the substring method. My method accepts 2 strings and checks whether str2 is in str1. Im trying to figure out firstly why my invairant doesnt hold - Dafny marks that the invariant might not hold on entry and while my pre/post conditions fail. My thoughts on the invairant are that there 3 main scenarios: 1. The loop failed to find the substring at index i and there are more indexes to explore 2. The loop failed to find the substring at index i - no more indexes to explore 3. The loop found substring at index i


method Main() {
    var str1,str2 := "Dafny","fn";
    var found,offset := FindSubstring(str1,str2);
    assert found by
        calc {
            str2 <= str1[2..];
    assert offset == 2 by
        assert found && str2 <= str1[2..];
        assert offset != 0 by { assert 'D' == str1[0] != str2[0] == 'f'; }
        assert offset != 1 by { assert 'a' == str1[1] != str2[0] == 'f'; }
        assert offset != 3 by { assert 'n' == str1[3] != str2[0] == 'f'; }
        assert !(offset >= 4) by { assert 4 + |str2| > |str1|; }
    print "The sequence ";
    print str2;
    print " is a subsequence of ";
    print str1;
    print " starting at element ";
    print offset;

predicate IsSubsequence<T>(q1: seq<T>, q2: seq<T>)
    exists offset: nat :: offset + |q2| <= |q1| && IsSubsequenceAtOffset(q1,q2,offset)

predicate IsSubsequenceAtOffset<T>(q1: seq<T>, q2: seq<T>, offset: nat)
    offset + |q2| <= |q1| && q2 <= q1[offset..]

predicate Inv<T>(str1: seq<T>, str2: seq<T>, offset: nat, found: bool)
    |str1| > 0 && |str2| > 0 && |str1| >= |str2| && offset <= |str1|-|str2| &&
    (!found && offset < |str1|-|str2| ==> !(str2 <= str1[offset..])) &&
  (!found && offset == |str1| -|str2| ==> !IsSubsequence(str1, str2)) && 
    (found ==> IsSubsequenceAtOffset(str1, str2, offset))

method FindSubstring(str1: string, str2: string) returns (found: bool, offset: nat)

    requires |str2| <= |str1|
    ensures found <==> IsSubsequence(str1,str2)
    ensures found ==> IsSubsequenceAtOffset(str1,str2,offset)  
     found, offset := str2 <= str1[0..], 0;
     assert Inv(str1,str2,offset,found);

     while !found && offset <= (|str1| - |str2|) 
        invariant Inv(str1,str2,offset,found)
       if str2 <= str1[(offset + 1)..] {
         found, offset := true, offset + 1;
       } else {
         offset := offset + 1;

  lemma Lemma(str1: string, str2: string, found: bool, offset: nat)
    requires !(!found && offset <= (|str1| - |str2|))
    requires Inv(str1,str2,offset,found)
    ensures found <==> IsSubsequence(str1,str2)
    ensures found ==> IsSubsequenceAtOffset(str1,str2,offset) 

Link: http://rise4fun.com/Dafny/QaAbU Any help would be appreciated.


There are 1 best solutions below



1) |str1| > 0 && |str2| > 0 in inv was failing because this condition is not added in the requirement of the function FindSubstring

2) Since while loop body in FindSubstring checks substring for offset+1, the while loop only has to run for offset < (|str1| - |str2|) because if offset == (|str1| - |str2|) then there doesn't exist any offset which would satisfy str2 <= str1[offset..]

3) Added quantifier in inv which ensures that for all the offsets k where 0 <= k <= offset, there doesn't exist any k which str2 <= str1[offset..]

A small advice to debug the failing invariant that might help: replace the inv call with the actual body of inv and dafny will pinpoint the failing condition in the invariant.

Hope this makes sense.