Databricks Mosaic's grid_polyfill() is taking longer to explode the index when run using PySpark via AWS EMR

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Pyspark Configuration: pyspark --packages,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:3.3.4, --conf "" --conf "" --executor-memory 10g --driver-memory 16g

EMR Configuration: m5a.16xlarge master and m5a.4xlarge core fleets scalable till 120 instances

Data: 12000 records and 80MB size

Observations: time to explode 1000 records is taking 2min and for 5000 is 33min

Pseudo Code:

from pyspark.conf import SparkConf
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, col, explode, explode_outer
from mosaic import enable_mosaic, st_geomfromwkb, st_geomfromwkt, st_aswkt, st_isvalid, grid_polyfill

conf = SparkConf().setAll([("spark.databricks.labs.mosaic.jar.autoattach", 'false')])


polygon_df= df.withColumn("index_array", grid_polyfill(col("GEOMETRY"), lit(11)))
exploded_df= polygon_df.withColumn("index_id", explode_outer(col("index_array"))).select("GEOMETRY", "index_id")

exploded_df.write.format("delta").option("overwrite", "true").save("<s3_path>")

Any suggestions for optimizations in explode function?


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