Debug Exact Cover Pentominoes, Wikipedia example incomplete? OR... I'm misunderstanding something (includes code)

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The Problem:

I've implemented Knuth's DLX "dancing links" algorithm for Pentominoes in two completely different ways and am still getting incorrect solutions. The trivial Wikipedia example works OK (, but more complex examples fail.

Debugging the full Pentominoes game requires a table with almost 2,000 entries, so I came up with a greatly reduced puzzle (pictured below) that is still complex enough to show the errant behavior.

Below is my trivial 3x5 Pentominoes example, using only 3 pieces to place. I can work through the algorithm with pen and paper, and sure enough my code is doing exactly what I told it to, but on the very first step, it nukes all of my rows! When I look at the connectedness, the columns certainly do seem to be OK. So clearly I'm misunderstanding something.

The Data Model:

This is the trivial solution I'm trying to get DLX to solve: enter image description here

Below is the "moves" table, which encodes all the valid moves that the 3 pieces can make. (I filter out moves where a piece would create a hole size not divisible by 5)

  • The left column is the encoded move, for example the first row is piece "L", placed at 0,0, then rotated ONE 90-degree turn counter-clockwise.
  • vertical bar (|) delimiter
  • First 3 columns are the selector bit for which piece I'm referring to. Since "l" is the first piece (of only 3), it has a 1 in the leftmost column.
  • The next 15 columns are 1 bit for every spot on a 3x5 pentominoes board.

An Example Failure:

The First Move kills all the rows of my array (disregarding the numeric header row and column)

Following the wikipedia article cited earlier, I do:

  • Look for minimum number of bits set in a column
  • 4 is the min count, and column 2 is the leftmost column with that bit set
  • I choose the first row intersecting with column 2, which is row 13.
  • Column 4 and row 13 will be added to the columns and rows to be "covered" (aka deleted)
  • Now I look at row 13 and find all intersecting columns: 2, 5, 6, 7, 11 & 16
  • Now I look at all the rows that intersect with any 1 in any of those columns - THIS seem to be the problematic step - that criteria selects ALL 24 data rows to remove.
  • Since the board is empty, the system thinks it has found a valid solution.

Here's a picture of my pen-and-paper version of the algorithm:

enter image description here

Given the requests for code, I'm now attaching it. The comments at the top explain where to look.

Here's the code:

Second Test

There's a second 3x5 puzzle I thought of, but it hits the same problem the first example has. For the record, the second 3x5 is:

# Tiny Set 2: 3x5
#   u u v v v
#   u p p p v
#   u u p p v

There are 2 best solutions below


Your exact cover implementation seems OK for the reduced instance, but the plotter was broken. I fixed it by changing

boardBitmap = fullBitmap[12:]


boardBitmap = fullBitmap[3:]

in plotMoveToBoard_np, since there are only three pieces in the reduced instance.

EDIT: there's also a problem with how you generate move names. There are distinct moves with the same name. There are also duplicate moves (which don't affect correctness but do affect performance). I changed

-                    g_rowNames.append(rowName)
+                    g_rowNames.append(str(hash(str(finalBitmask))))

and 3x20 starts working as it should. (That's not a great way to generate the names, because in theory the hashes could collide, but it's one line.)


The issue you're seeing with your hand-run of the algorithm is that a matrix with no rows is not a solution. You need to eliminate all the columns, just getting rid of the rows is a failure. Your example run still has 12 columns that need to be solved left, so it's not a success.