Defining constraints in Jenetics

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I have previously worked with the MOEA Framework, which knows the concept of constraints. That is, a solution to a problem might have a good fitness, but is infeasible. For instance, when working with the knapsack problem, a particular combination of items may lead to a high profit, but their weight exceeds the knapsack's capacity. A corresponding fitness function would include lines like:

// Set the fitness (=> profit) of the solution (=> knapsack).
solution.setObjective(0, profit)
// Set the constrain (=> 0.0 if OK, , otherwise the distance to the boundary).
solution.setConstraint(0, (weight <= capacity) ? 0.0 : weight - capacity)

Another example in case of a multi-objective knapsack problem would be the constraint that a knapsack is not allowed to use items which are already used in another knapsack.

Has Jenetics something similar? Or how could I encode constraints as part of the fitness function (or somewhere else)?


There are 3 best solutions below


As of Jenetic v5.0.0, both phenotypeValidator and genotypeValidator have been removed, but it is now possible to define a Constraint (see also user guide, section 2.5):

Engine.builder(/* ... */)
        .constraint(Constraint.of(phenotype -> /* test validity */)

One can also implement Constraint's repair method to try to repair given individuals.

Please note (see this answer):

It [the Constraint interface] is meant as the last line of defense, when it comes to check the validity of an individual. […] The second important method [besides test] of the Constraint is the repair method. This method tries to fix the given individual. Without defining this method, only a new, random phenotype is created.


Jenetics doesn't support constraints directly. You can set a phenotypeValidator in the Engine.Builder. This will reject Phenotypes and recreate invalid individuals. Not exactly a constraint, but a kind of. The second possibility is to return the minimum fitness value for all objectives for such values.


Please also consider validating your constraints within the fitness function itself and return a value is the opposite of what you are optimising for. This might slow down the overall performance but allows you to validate the result on a higher level.

E.g. if your maximising for a double value just return the lowest negative double as a result of the fitness function, if the optimised solution does not pass the constraints.