Deleting lines in File with "inplace"

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Another question that I have is how to manipulate text files.

I joined several files to one big. Now I have all headlines of the files in the new big one and want to delete them in the file without saving under a new one.

My file is separated by ";" and used to stay separated by ";"

I searched and found a oneliner here: How to find lines matching a pattern and delete them?

I tried it in my cmd (I'm running windows) and get the error message:

gawk: fatal: can't open source file `inplace' for reading (No such file or directory)

My codeline is:

gawk -i inplace "!/^Address (CO)/" filename.txt

I don't find anything about how to alternate it to Windows, if there is something special except for changing ' to "". All the headline contain the work "Address (CO)" in first column.

Sample of my Input:

Address (CO) - Costumer - Phone_Number
Mainstreet 1 - Carl Monte - 123456
Mainstreet 2 - Anja Coleman - 407846
Address (CO) - Costumer - Phone_Number
Mainstreet 10 - Sebastian Wol - 756189
Mainstreet 7 - Dennis Mann - 694311
Address (CO) - Costumer - Phone_Number

Desired Output:

Address (CO) - Costumer - Phone_Number
Mainstreet 1 - Carl Monte - 123456
Mainstreet 2 - Anja Coleman - 407846
Mainstreet 10 - Sebastian Wol - 756189
Mainstreet 7 - Dennis Mann - 694311

So "just" delete the lines that contain "Address" but not the first appearance.

I also tried that oneliner:

gawk "!/Address/" filename.txt > newfile.txt

But my output is the same content like my input. So filename.txt == newfile.txt. It's not deleting anything.

Adding my Output doing the following:
I'm converting several csv files to txt using

for /f "tokens=*" %%f in ('dir XLS\*.xls /s /b') do copy "%%f" ".\TXT\%%~nf.txt"

Afterward I'm using a powershellscript to exchange tab delimeter to semicolon using:

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir TXT\*.txt /b /s') do powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -file %powershellscript% -path "%%i" -outPath "Output\%%~nxi"

Now I have several txt files with a semicolon separator in one folder. All of them with the same header. For merging them together without header into one "bigfile" I tried:

(for %%F in (Output\*.txt) do @more +1 "%%F") > output.txt

What is not working. I tried as well:

copy *.txt merged_tempfile.txt
gawk -F";" -v OFS=";" "$1 !~ /Address (CO)/ {print}" merged_tempfile.txt > bigfile.txt

What is not working as well...
When I try to use

gawk dos2unix file1  
gawk "!/Address (CO)/" file1.txt > temp1.txt

I only get the same content in temp1 like in file1, with this in last column.

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