Deployment failed due to "Request had insufficient authentication scopes"

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I created new VM instance (jenkins-server) on project1 and I installed jenkins server on it . one of the jenkins jobs should build my app and deploy it on project2 with the following command

mvn gcloud:deploy -Dgcloud.gcloud_project=project2 -Dgcloud.version=jenkins-build-1

The command fails due to the following error :

[INFO] Beginning deployment...
[INFO] DEBUG: No bucket specified, retrieving default bucket.
[INFO] DEBUG: {u'status': u'PERMISSION_DENIED', u'message': u'Request had insufficient authentication scopes.', 
u'code': 403}
[INFO] ERROR: Error Response: [403] Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
[INFO] DEBUG: Using bucket [].
[INFO] DEBUG: ( Could not retrieve the default Google Cloud Storage bucket for [project2]. Please try again or use the [bucket] argument.

I created new bucket on project2 called jenkins-server and tried the command again with the bucket argument

[INFO] Beginning deployment...
[INFO] DEBUG: Using bucket [gs://jenkins-server].
[INFO] DEBUG: ( Required scopes ['', ''] missing from [list of scopes]. This VM instance probably needs to be recreated with the missing scopes

Project1 is created with full permissions

Google SDK version is up to date : Google Cloud SDK 95.0.0


on project1 I used an image with pre-installed jenkins on jenkins-server instance but I recreated the instance with ubuntu 14.04 LTS only and installed everything else manually (cloud sdk , tomcat server,jenkins ,maven ...)

The issue above disappeared but now I am getting different error

 ERROR: ( Could not synchronize files. The gsutil command exited with status [1]

and after checking the log file I can see the following error :

Building synchronization state... Caught non-retryable exception while listing file:///tmp/tmpsgDQKG: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/tmpsgDQKG/cc79fffba16616623f47691da45b33db1beb4209.pem'
 CommandException: Caught non-retryable exception - aborting rsync

this is the same error for default and custom bucket

Appreciate your help


There are 1 best solutions below


As per the detail for issue 532 which was filed, the workaround was to deploy using gcloud config set app/use_gsutil false, however this is now the default as of gcloud version 106.0.0