Determine If Solution Compiles using MSBuild and PSake

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I have put together a PSake (v2.0) build script, and the script is setting the $psake.build_success property as true even thought the call to MSBuild fails. Can anyone advise me on how to alter the script so that the $psake.build_success property will correctly return false when the MSBuild call fails?

My PSake build script is as follows:

properties {
    $solutionFile = 'SOLUTION_FILE'
    $buildSuccessfulMessage = 'Solution Successfully Built!'
    $buildFailureMessage = 'Solution Failed to Build!'
    $cleanMessage = 'Executed Clean!'

task default -depends BuildSolution 

task BuildSolution
    msbuild $solutionFile /t:Clean,Build
    if ($psake.build_success) 

There are 4 best solutions below


Is PowerShell's native $lastExitCode (i.e., WIn32 ExitCode) any use in the context? I'd be guessing that the built in one is only relevant when you're invoking a psake-related cmdlet.

i.e., replace the check with

if($lastexitcode -eq 0) {

Disclaimer: Only podcast level experience with psake :D


The issue seems to be that the call to MSBuild operation actually completes successfully, whilst the build operation it initiates fails. The way I was able to get around this was to pipe the output of the MSBuild call to a text file, and then parse the file for the string "Build Failed". If it contained the string, obviously the build failed.

My PSake build script is as follows:

properties {
    $solutionFile = 'SOLUTION_FILE'
    $buildSuccessfulMessage = 'Solution Successfully Built!'
    $buildFailureMessage = 'Solution Failed to Build!'
    $cleanMessage = 'Executed Clean!'

task default -depends Build 

task Build -depends Clean {
    msbuild $solutionFile /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release >"MSBuildOutput.txt"

task Clean {
    msbuild $solutionFile /t:Clean 

and in my calling script:

function Check-BuildSuccess()
    return (! (Find-StringInTextFile  -filePath .\MSBuildOutput.txt -searchTerm "Build Failed"))

function Is-StringInTextFile
    [string]$filePath = $(Throw "File Path Required!"),
    [string]$searchTerm = $(Throw "Search Term Required!")
    $fileContent = Get-Content $filePath    
    return ($fileContent -match $searchTerm)

Neither $LastExitCode or $_ worked for me. This did however:

$buildArgs = "MySolution.sln", "/t:Build", "/p:Configuration=Debug"
$procExitCode = 0
$process = Start-Process -FilePath "msbuild" -ArgumentList $buildArgs -NoNewWindow -PassThru
Wait-Process -InputObject $process
$procExitCode = $process.ExitCode

#aha! msbuild sets the process exit code but powershell doesn't notice
if ($procExitCode -ne 0)
    throw "msbuild failed with exit code $procExitCode."

P.S. If you use this in production I recommend adding -timeout handling to Wait-Process


There is the psake Exec command that you can wrap msbuild with and a powershell error is thrown.

Exec {
     msbuild $solutionFile "/p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration;Platform=$buildPlatform;OutDir=$tempOutputDirectory"