Different AndroidManifest content depending on Android API Level

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Is it possible to include meta-data in my Android Manifest file for only a specific API level?

I want the following line only be considered when the app is built on a phone with Android API >= 30:

    <meta-data android:name="disable_batch_scanning" android:value="true"  />

I tried to set a boolean variable under res/values/bools.xml like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <bool name="isLess31">true</bool>

And use it with the tag: android:enabled="@bool/isLess31" Therefore, I also created a values-v31 folder where is set isLess31 to false

But this does not seem to work. Is there another way that disable_batch_scanning is only executed for older Android APIs?


There are 1 best solutions below


What you should do is this:

Create file used for default values.


    <bool name="disable_batch_scanning_variable">true</bool>

And also create one for specific value. This one will be used for APIs equal to 31 and above.


    <bool name="disable_batch_scanning_variable">false</bool>

In Android Manifest file:

<meta-data android:name="disable_batch_scanning" android:value="@bool/disable_batch_scanning_variable"  />