Dispatch group vs calls in loop

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What is the benefit of using a dispatch group with calls in the loop? I am using alamo fire as my network layer. The scenario is that I want to fetch data from the server in chunks and once all calls are done I can move forward. Do I really need to use dispatch group or simple looped calls will work?

for _ in 1...calls {
            callFetchTransaction(offset: self.offset, limit: self.transactionsLimit, calls: calls)

and this is what is inside my function:

var listOfIdsToSort = [String:Date]()
func callFetchTransaction(offset:Int,limit:Int,calls:Int) {
    TransactionsModel.reportTransactions(offset: offset, limit: limit, success: { (transactions) in
        ACTIVITYCALL += 1
        print("CurrentOffset \(offset), with limit\(limit)")
        for transaction in transactions {
            self.listOfIdsToSort[transaction.id!] = transaction.createdAt!
        if ACTIVITYCALL == calls {
           TransactionsModel.assignSequenceNumbers(dictOfIds: self.listOfIdsToSort) {
                self.didCompleteProgressAndSync(duration: 2.0)
                print("sync time after --- \(Date().timeIntervalSince1970)")
        } else if ACTIVITYCALL < calls {
            self.currentSyncingProgress += self.perActivityPercentage
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
                self.updateProgressBar(value: self.currentSyncingProgress)
    }) { (response, statusCode) in
        self.callFetchTransaction(offset: offset, limit: limit, calls: calls)

It seems to work fine but I want to know if there are some benefits of dispatch group or flaws in this approach.


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