Display column with no record in OpenERP 7 Kanban View

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I want to ask something here about Kanban View in OpenERP 7,

I'm creating a Kanban view for my module.
the view is grouped by 4 stage of columns, so when I drag a record to another column the
stage of that record will be changed.

but here's the problem:
I want to drag a record from stage A to stage B.
but when there's no record in stage B the stage B's column will not be displayed until I've a record with stage B ,
so I can't change the stage by dragging the record because the stage B's column is not visible

is there any solution for this problem ? thanks,


There are 1 best solutions below


I met the same issue, and this is the solution :

You can achieve that with _group_by_full dictionnary, to add in your osv.osv class.

By example, in project.py, you can find that :

_group_by_full = { 'stage_id': _read_group_stage_ids, 'user_id': _read_group_user_id, }

The method _read_group_stage_ids return task_types from project ID if any project is passed in the context, or only the task_types from tasks.

But you can also do that you want : send all stages whenever your method, described in _group_by_full for your field stage is called.