Display the parent and child list records using angular SlickGrid

544 Views Asked by At

I am new to SlickGrid. I have to display the parent and child list records using SlickGrid. By default slick grid should display the parent records. There should be action to expand and collapse the child records in the parent record. When I click the action in the parent record it should show corresponding child records at below of the parent record.

I have referred this link

Here i shared my code snippet for your reference


   autoResize: {
    containerId: "demo-container",
    sidePadding: 10,
  enableAutoSizeColumns: true,
  enableAutoResize: true,
  enableExport: true,
  enableFiltering: true,
  enableTreeData: true, 
  treeDataOptions: {
    columnId: 'productname',
   levelPropName: 'indent',
    parentPropName: 'pfm123'
  headerRowHeight: 45,
  rowHeight: 40,
  contextMenu: {
    iconCollapseAllGroupsCommand: "mdi mdi-arrow-collapse",
    iconExpandAllGroupsCommand: "mdi mdi-arrow-expand",
    iconClearGroupingCommand: "mdi mdi-close",
    iconCopyCellValueCommand: "mdi mdi-content-copy",
    iconExportCsvCommand: "mdi mdi-download",
      "mdi mdi-file-excel-outline text-success has-text-success",
    iconExportTextDelimitedCommand: "mdi mdi-download",
  gridMenu: {
    iconCssClass: "mdi mdi-menu",
    iconClearAllFiltersCommand: "mdi mdi-filter-remove-outline",
    iconClearAllSortingCommand: "mdi mdi-swap-vertical text-danger",
    iconExportCsvCommand: "mdi mdi-download",
      "mdi mdi-file-excel-outline text-success has-text-success",
    iconExportTextDelimitedCommand: "mdi mdi-download",
    iconRefreshDatasetCommand: "mdi mdi-sync",
    iconToggleFilterCommand: "mdi mdi-flip-vertical",
    iconTogglePreHeaderCommand: "mdi mdi-flip-vertical",
  headerMenu: {
    iconClearFilterCommand: "mdi mdi mdi-filter-remove-outline text-danger",
    iconClearSortCommand: "mdi mdi-swap-vertical",
    iconSortAscCommand: "mdi mdi-sort-ascending",
    iconSortDescCommand: "mdi mdi-flip-v mdi-sort-descending",
    iconColumnHideCommand: "mdi mdi-close",


    id: 'customername',
    name: 'Customer Name',
    field: 'customername',
    width: 220,
    cssClass: 'cell-title',
    filterable: true,
    sortable: true,
    queryFieldSorter: 'id',
    type: FieldType.string,
    formatter: Formatters.tree

     id: 'orderamount',
     name: 'order Amount',
     field: 'orderamount',
     minWidth: 90,
     filterable: true },
      id: 'orderdate',
      name: 'Orderdate',
      field: 'orderdate',
      minWidth: 60,
      type: FieldType.dateIso,
      filterable: true, sortable: true,
      filter: { model: Filters.compoundDate },
      formatter: Formatters.dateIso,
      id: 'productname',
      name: 'Product Name',
      field: 'productname',
      width: 220,
      cssClass: 'cell-title',
      filterable: true,
      sortable: true,
      queryFieldSorter: 'id',
      type: FieldType.string


     id: 'price',
     name: 'Price',
     field: 'price',
     minWidth: 90,
     filterable: true 
      id: 'quantity',
      name: 'Quantity',
      field: 'quantity',
      minWidth: 90,
      filterable: true 


    id: 0,
    indent: 0,
    customername: "customer1",
    orderamount: "50300",
    orderdate: "dec15",
    id: 1,
    indent: 1,
    pfm123: 0,
    productname: "Laptop",
    quantity: "1",
    price: "50000",
    id: 5,
    indent: 2,
    pfm123: 1,
    productname: "Keyboard",
    quantity: "1",
    price: "300",
    id: 2,
    indent: 0,
    customername: "customer2",
    orderamount: "10500",
    orderdate: "dec16",
    id: 3,
    indent: 1,
    pfm123: 2,
    productname: "Mobile",

    price: "10000",
    quantity: "1",
    id: 4,
    indent: 1,
    pfm123: 2,
    productname: "HeadPhone",
    quantity: "1",
    price: "500",

Current output

enter image description here

Expected Output

enter image description here


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