Displaying n-greatest in Kibana

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In my elasticsearch backend, I have a index stats with a numerical field and a @name field.

I would like to display a pie chart (or some other panel type) in Kibana where you can list the top N @name where the percentage in the pie represents the percent of the total fields are represented.

For example, in one index, you might have

@Name: John
Field: 5

@Name: Robert
Field: 5

Then I would have a pie chart with John and Robert both at 50%. Is this possible on Kibana?


There are 2 best solutions below


Yes; It is possible in Kibana; If we are using Kibana latest version then it would be easy for you to create visualization; Look for Pie-chart in visualization and then proceed next; Fill the appropriate fields and I hope it is not that tough to understand while filling the fields; It will render the pie chat on clicking the "Green" > button.


Yes what you are trying is very much possible in Kibana 4 with simplicity & ease.

If i am able to understand correctly you want to show TOP N results of a specific field in pie chart.

To do so follow the following steps:

  1. Clicking on pie chart under visualize tab (Create a new visualization).
  2. Selecting a search source - From a new search
  3. Go to Split Slices, select aggregation as terms.
  4. Then enter the field and select TOP in order & size (denote no of records you want) ex:5 will show TOP 5 records.
  5. Click on Apply & the pie chart would be generated :)

PS: Feel free to contact me for any further issue, would be happy to guide :)