Does constructor with optional-parameter overload it?

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Here is an example of code:

public List(int capacity = defaultCapacity) {
    items = new T[capacity];

In C# 5 Language Specification Section 1.6.7 is written:

Instance constructors can be overloaded. For example, the List class declares two instance constructors, one with no parameters and one that takes an int parameter.

But compiled IL for this code doesn't contain 2 constructors. It contains only this declaration:

.method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname 
        instance void  .ctor([opt] int32 capacity) cil managed

It means that optional parameter is CLR level and is defined by [opt].

After CLR there is no runtime that can represent this object with 2 overloaded constructors.

For Example if I am creating 2 separate constructors without optional parameter compiled IL will contain 2 .ctor -s.

I want to clarify, if language specification is saying that class declares two instance constructors doesn't it mean that compiled IL will contain 2 ctor-s too.


There are 1 best solutions below


Optional parameters, no matter if used on methods or constructors, do not introduce additional overloads. Instead, optional parameters are marked with [opt], and whenever you call it without that parameter value specified that optional value will be included in your compiled code.

Because of that when you change default value of optional parameters you need to recompile all the usages, to get that new value injected into all the calls. If you don't do that old value will be used.


Quote from the spec is confusing. If it talks about List<T> defined in 1.6.7 with just one constructor, with optional parameter, than it's wrong.