Does Marshal.Release() have an implicit ReliabilityContract?

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I am writing a .NET application where I have to use API calls (really). My application gets COM interfaces by calling Win API's function CoCreateInstance().

Of course, I have to release those interfaces when having finished with them. I think that the appropriate method to do so is Marshal.Release() (at least, no other reasonable method comes to my mind).

Now, I would like to make every respective interface pointer a safe handle. To do that, I have to derive my own safe handle class from SafeHandle and have to override ReleaseHandle() in the derived class. The respective documentation states:

[...] In particular, apply the ReliabilityContractAttribute attribute to any methods you call from ReleaseHandle. In most cases this code should be: ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success) [...]

This is my problem: I do not know if Marshal.ReleaseHandle() already has this contract by default, and if not, how I could add it. I think I am lacking some basics here. Could somebody out there please shed some light on it?


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The definition of the abstract method Marshal.Release is

[System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated_required
[ReliabilityContract(Consistency.WillNotCorruptState, Cer.Success)]
public static extern int /* ULONG */ Release(IntPtr /* IUnknown */ pUnk );

So it is already decorated with the ReliabilityContractAttribute. You can check the source of any framework type by using a decompiler (I used JustDecompile) or over at