Does python-memcached support consistent hashing & binary protocol?

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Python-memcached is the official supported memcached driver for Django.

Does it support

  1. Consistent hashing
  2. Binary protocol

If it does, how do I use those features within Django? I couldn't find any documentation.


There are 6 best solutions below


Looking at the _get_server method on python-memcached v1.45, it seems it doesn't use consistent hashing, but a simple hash % len(buckets).

Same goes for binary protocol, python-memcache uses, as far as I can see in the source, only text commands.


Please check this sample python implementation of consistent hashing.

implementation principal : imagine a continnum circle with a number of replicated server points spread across it. When we add a new server, 1/n of the total cache keys will be lost

 ''' is a simple demonstration of consistent

import bisect
import hashlib

class ConsistentHash:

  To imagine it is like a continnum circle with a number of replicated
  server points spread across it. When we add a new server, 1/n of the total
  cache keys will be lost. 

  consistentHash(n,r) creates a consistent hash object for a 
  cluster of size n, using r replicas. 

  It has three attributes. num_machines and num_replics are
  self-explanatory.  hash_tuples is a list of tuples (j,k,hash), 
  where j ranges over machine numbers (0...n-1), k ranges over 
  replicas (0...r-1), and hash is the corresponding hash value, 
  in the range [0,1).  The tuples are sorted by increasing hash 

  The class has a single instance method, get_machine(key), which
  returns the number of the machine to which key should be 
  def __init__(self,replicas=1):
      self.num_replicas = replicas

  def setup_servers(self,servers=None):
    hash_tuples = [(index,k,my_hash(str(index)+"_"+str(k))) \
               for index,server in enumerate(servers)
               for k in range(int(self.num_replicas) * int(server.weight)) ]

  def sort(self,hash_tuples):
    '''Sort the hash tuples based on just the hash values   '''
    hash_tuples.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x[2],y[2]))
    return hash_tuples

  def add_machine(self,server,siz):
    '''This mathod adds a new machine. Then it updates the server hash
     in the continuum circle '''
    newPoints=[(siz,k,my_hash(str(siz)+"_"+str(k))) \
                   for k in range(self.num_replicas*server.weight)]

  def get_machine(self,key):
    '''Returns the number of the machine which key gets sent to.'''
    h = my_hash(key)
    # edge case where we cycle past hash value of 1 and back to 0.
    if h > self.hash_tuples[-1][2]: return self.hash_tuples[0][0]
    hash_values = map(lambda x: x[2],self.hash_tuples)
    index = bisect.bisect_left(hash_values,h)
    return self.hash_tuples[index][0]

def my_hash(key):
  '''my_hash(key) returns a hash in the range [0,1).'''
  return (int(hashlib.md5(key).hexdigest(),16) % 1000000)/1000000.0

I have used Consistent hashing algorithm. The lost keys are 1/n of the total number of keys. This means the successful key fetch will be 6/7 *100 around 85%. here


You might be able to use this:

It encapsulates python-memcache's Client class so keys are distributed using consistent hashing.

EDIT- I'm digging in python-memcached 1.4.5 source code, and it looks like it might actually support consistent hashing. Relevant code:

from binascii import crc32   # zlib version is not cross-platform
def cmemcache_hash(key):
    return((((crc32(key) & 0xffffffff) >> 16) & 0x7fff) or 1)
serverHashFunction = cmemcache_hash

-- SNIP --

def _get_server(self, key):
    if isinstance(key, tuple):
        serverhash, key = key
        serverhash = serverHashFunction(key)

    for i in range(Client._SERVER_RETRIES):
        server = self.buckets[serverhash % len(self.buckets)]
        if server.connect():
            #print "(using server %s)" % server,
            return server, key
        serverhash = serverHashFunction(str(serverhash) + str(i))
    return None, None

Based on this code, it looks like it does implement the algorithm, unless cmemcache_hash is not a meaningful name and that is not the real algorithm. (the now retired cmemcache does consistent hashing)

But I think the OP is referring to more "resilient" consistent hashing, e.g. libketama. I don't think there's a drop in solution out there for that out there, looks like you need to roll up your sleeves compile/install a more advanced memcached lib like pylibmc, and write a custom Django backend that uses that instead of python-memcached.

Anyhow, in either case, some remapping of keys will occur when you add/remove buckets to the pool (even with libketama, just less than with the other algorithms)


Now vbucket is coming for resolving consistent hashing with least impact in cache misses.


If you want a plug-and-play solution for django, use django-memcached-hashring:

It is an adapter around django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache and the hash_ring library.