Does string.Format add extra quotes to value

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I discovered that whenever I use this method string.Format(), it adds extra quotes and backslash to my variable value.

string value = string.Format("sample {0}", someText);

On VS Watch, I see this result:

"sample \"blah\""

In Text Visualizer, I get this:

sample "blah"

Can anyone tell me why I can't get this?

"sample blah"

Please note: I have a workaround already which is string.Replace("\"","") but I just want to know where the extra quotes was added.


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I'm 100% sure, in your context, sometext contains the extra quotes.

string.Format("sample {0}", "blah")

returns "sample blah"


This relates only to VS Debugging. It´s not ACTUALLY adding anything to that string. VS is just escaping strings, nothing to worry about or to handle with.

EDIT: To get sample blah (without ANY quotes) instead of sample "blah" you need to replace the quotes:

Console.WriteLine(value.Replace("\"", "");

Now within VS Debugger you see the following: "sample blah" whilst within a text-file e.g. you´ll see sample blah


It shows your sometext contains "blah" instead of blah. That is why \" is appearing during debug.


This string.Format doesn't add anything to any string at all.

The difference is how you can see your string in a Visual Studio and in a Text Visualizer. Since because " is an escape sequence character, you need to use it as \" in your code part.

As far as I know, these escape sequence characters are legacy from C language standard.

Can anyone tell me why I can't get this?

"sample blah"

Because you didn't do anything to get this string in your example. Your string doesn't have an escaped " character at start or in the end. You can use escape them in your string.format like;

string someText = "blah";
string value = string.Format("\"sample {0}\"", someText); 

Result will be;

"sample blah"

Your format string doesn't have any quotes in it. If you want the string to contain quotes you need to add quotes to the format string.

string foo = "foo" foo has the value foo

string foo = "\"foo\"" foo has the value "foo"