Does the latest intel c++ compiler support implicit move constructor and move assignment?

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The latest intel C++ compiler is or in intel parallel studio xe 2013 sp1 update 1. I am wondering if it supports implicit move constructor and move assignment. I tested it the following code, it doesn't seem to work.

The related article is here (search move constructor). It said it supports. But I cannot make it.

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class A
    unique_ptr<int> m;

int main()
    A a;
    A b(std::move(a));

Compile it on windows as

icl main.cpp /Qstd=c++11


main.cpp(10): error #373: "std::unique_ptr<_Ty, _Dx>::unique_ptr(const
    std::unique_ptr<_Ty, _Dx>::_Myt &) [with _Ty=int, _Dx=std::default_delete<int>]"
    (declared at line 1447 of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
    11.0\VC\include\memory") is inaccessible unique_ptr<int> m;
detected during implicit generation of "A::A(const A &)" at line 16
compilation aborted for main.cpp (code 2)

Basically the 2nd line in the main function A b(std::move(a)); is looking for copy constructor A::A(const A &) other than move constructor A::A(const A &&). That is usual when no implicit move constructors are generated. But the compiler said it support implicit move constructor. I am confused. Thanks.


There are 1 best solutions below


Answer 1:

On Windows environment when using Intel C++ compiler with Visual Studio 2010* or 2012*, the C++11 features supported by Visual C++ 2010/2012 are enabled by default. Use "/Qstd=c++11" to turn on the support for all other cases. On Linux or Mac OS X environment use "-std=c++11".


Answer 2 (guessing because of lack of information): If the flag is set, you must include <algorithm> where std::move is defined.

Answer 3: Your updated code compiles well with GCC and Clang. Maybe you have to define the move constructor explicitly:

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

class A
    // default constructor
    // move constructor
    A(A&& rhs)
    : m(std::move(rhs.m))

    unique_ptr<int> m;

int main()
    A a;
    A b(std::move(a));