Does the SERIALIZE instruction prevent speculative execution?

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Recently came across the SERIALIZE instruction.

Serializes instruction execution. Before the next instruction is fetched and executed, the SERIALIZE instruction ensures that all modifications to flags, registers, and memory by previous instructions are completed, draining all buffered writes to memory.

Here's a sample masm64 program that has a Secret Key. Before accessing the key, it surrounds the sensitive code with SERIALIZE calls to hopefully prevent any kind of Speculative Execution.

option casemap:none

includelib kernel32.lib
includelib libcmt.lib

sensitiveData db "My Secret Key", 0

main proc
    lea     eax, [sensitiveData]
main endp



Can SERIALIZE be used to mitigate Speculative Execution vulnerabilities such as Meltdown?


Just found this article that explains this new instruction.

Linux Kernel Prepping To Make Use Of Intel's New SERIALIZE Instruction

... a patch series was sent out by an Intel Linux engineer for making use of the Intel SERIALIZE instruction within the kernel's sync_core() function. Linux's sync_core function is called for stopping the speculative execution and prefetching of modified code. ...


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