dotNetRdf Method UpdateGraph not successful with Virtuoso server

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I have a Virtuoso-Server on a linux machine (I "inherited" it, so I did not set it up myself). I also inherited the OntoWiki frontend connected to the server to manipulate the data. As this is a bit clumsy and very manual, I wrote a C# project to access and display the data. I access the data using dotNetRdf. Reading is no problem, but now I also want to update the data, thus using the UpdateGraph method. To test this, I wrote a small test-project, after this example from the dotNetRdf-Website:

This is my implementation.

VirtuosoManager _virtuosoManager = new VirtuosoManager(ServerAddress, ServerPort, VirtuosoManager.DefaultDB, _user, _password);
string _graphName = "";

Graph _graph = new Graph();
_virtuosoManager.LoadGraph(_graph, _graphName);

INode s = _graph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(_graphName + "/test"));
INode p = _graph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(RdfSpecsHelper.RdfType));
INode o = _graph.CreateUriNode(new Uri(""));
Triple t = new Triple(s, p, o);

_virtuosoManager.UpdateGraph(_graphName, new List<Triple>() { t }, null);

This code runs with no error, but alas also without any update in the graph (which I check with the follwing SPARQL-Request)

SELECT * WHERE {GRAPH ?g {<> ?p ?o .}}

which returns nothing.

So, I changed the log-level on the server, to see how/if the server receives my request. I found the following lines on the logfile:

15:47:16 CSLQ_0 109 1113:2 s1113_2_1 SPARQL define output:format '_JAVA_' INSERT DATA
  <> a <> .

15:47:16 COMP_2 109 1113:2 Compile text:  SPARQL define output:format '_JAVA_' INSERT 
  <> a <> .

15:47:16 EXEC_1 109 1113:2 s1113_2_1 Exec 1 time(s) SPARQL define output:format 
 INTO <>
  <> a <> .

Looks like my request arives and is computed. Still, the triple is missing. Do you have any idea, what to check / change with the request or the server to make it work?

UPDATE: There is another method called "Update" for the VirtuosoManager of dotNetRdf, where you can send a SPARQL-Query to the Endpoint. So I tried it with the SPARQL-Query from the Server-Log:

string query = "INSERT DATA " + Environment.NewLine +
               "INTO <>" + Environment.NewLine +
               "{" + Environment.NewLine +
                 "<> a <> ." + Environment.NewLine +


and the triple is inserted to the database! So it seems to be a problem of (my usage of) the UpdateGraph() method of dotNetRdf. So, I have a kind of a workaround, but I would prefer to omit the error-prone Triple=>SPARQL conversion and leave that to the professionals of dotNetRdf (who probably do this within the UpdateGraph() method).

And this is the server log for the request:

13:45:58 CSLQ_0 109 1113:2 s1113_2_0 SPARQL INSERT DATA 
<> a <> .
13:45:58 COMP_2 109 1113:2 Compile text:  SPARQL INSERT DATA 
<> a <> .
13:45:58 EXEC_1 109 1113:2 s1113_2_0 Exec 1 time(s) SPARQL    INSERT DATA 
<> a <> .

As you can see, the difference is the

define output:format 'JAVA'

for the failing call.

Thanks in advance,


There are 1 best solutions below


As answered on the dotNetRDF issue

The output:format isn't the problem here I think. The issue is that the update transaction is not committed by the code as you have it. The way to do this is to call the Dispose() method on _virtuosoManager. So wrapping your update in a using() block is the best way to go:

using(var _virtuosoManager = new VirtuosoManager(...)) {
// Call one or more update methods

Or alternatively you can explicitly call Dispose() (for example if you are going to wrap the manager instance in another class).

And confirmed by the questioner —

thank you very much for the reply, it indeed solved my problem! (I used .Dispose())