I just finished working on a singly list copy constructor, and I'm now headed to making a doubly list copy constructor. Can anyone tell me how different it is from a singly list constructor, cause I'm conflicted between starting afresh for my doubly linked list copy constructor or copying my singly list copy constructor. How should I go about this?
If it helps, here is my copy constructor from my singly linked list:
List(const List ©ing) : head(NULL)
Node* cur = copying.head;
int size = copying.size();
Node* end = NULL;
for(int q = 0; q < size; q++)
Node* n = new Node;
n->value = cur->value;
if (head == NULL)
head = n;
end = head;
end->next = n;
end = n;
cur = cur->next;
end->next = NULL;
Any and all input is welcome. Thanks everyone :-)
I think you just have to store the previous node (prv). Assuming Your Node has prv as data member.