Downloading CMIP6 data for a specific area

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By default, the CMIP6 netcdf data downloaded from any of the different ESGF portals cover the entire globe. Is there a way to download CMIP6 for a box (e.g., with bounds 20°W,20°E and 15°S,25°N) encompassing a particular region of the world?


There are 2 best solutions below


As a modification to Robert's anwer, if you don't want to calculate the i and j indices, I think you can specify the lat lon range directly using a decimal point:

ncks -d lat,-15.,25. -d lon,340.,20.

Be careful with how you specify the longitude when you have wrapped coordinates across lon=0, as specified in this answer to Robert's own question here. :-)


This can be done using the opendap options available over ESGF. This can be cropped easily on the command line using NCO. An example, for a different region, is below:

ncks -d i,260,305 -d j,240,290

CMIP6 grids are in no way consistent, so you will need to create a different NCO call (or xarray or whatever you choose to use). If you are working with a lot of different models, this might take some time.

If you already have urls for downloading, you should be able to convert them to opendap urls as follows:


where ff is the url.