DRF SearchFilter in ListAPIViews

337 Views Asked by At

I'm working on Django==3.2.7, djangorestframework==3.12.4 and django-filter==21.1. and React for the frontend

What I would like to do:

  1. Return Job Offer objects that contains words from search (Search fields job_title and localistation)
  2. Remove useless words like ('in', 'a', 'an', 'the', 'at', 'for', 'to') in search

here an example of the url:

{{URL}}/api/v1/job-offers/jobs/?search=Chef in Texas
allowed_methods = ['GET']

What I've done so far in my (ListAPIView):

class JobOfferListAPIView(generics.ListAPIView):
    permission_classes = [permissions.IsAuthenticated]
    queryset = JobOffer.objects.all()
    serializer_class = JobOfferSerializer
    filter_backends = [filters.SearchFilter, filters.OrderingFilter, DjangoFilterBackend]

    search_fields = ['job_title', 'localisation']
    ordering_fields = ['user', 'is_active']
    filterset_fields = ['user', 'is_active', 'job_title', 'type_of_job', 'start_date', 'salary', 'localisation']

    def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
        exclude_words = ['in', 'a', 'an', 'the', 'at', 'for', 'to']
        keywords = self.request.GET.get('search').split(' ')
        keywords = [keyword for keyword in keywords if keyword not in exclude_words]
        if keywords:
            for keyword in keywords:
                queryset = queryset.filter(
                    Q(job_title__icontains=keyword) | Q(localisation__icontains=keyword)
        return queryset

Problème: When i'm printing queryset i can see filtered Job Offers in terminal but not return in Postman.

Terminal Screen: Terminal Screen

Postman Screen

Postman Screen


There are 1 best solutions below


Please share your serializer code.

Meanwhile to test whether the queryset is getting parsed in serializer or not, use raise Exception(queryset) or if this is correct then raise Exception(serializer.data)