dSYM file not uploaded manually on New Relic

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https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/mobile-monitoring/new-relic-mobile-ios/configuration/upload-dsyms-bitcode-apps#manual-dsym As per the above new relic link;

I created a zipped of my dSYM file using below command

**/usr/bin/zip --recurse-paths --quiet "/Users/pc_name/Desktop//dSYMs/Zipped" "/Users/pc_name/Desktop/dSYMs/Gathapp.app.dSYM"**

and uploaded this Zipped dSYM file manually to new relic using

**curl -F dsym=@"/Users/pc_name/Desktop/dSYMs/Zipped.zip" -H "X-APP-LICENSE-KEY:AAe2e4ab995d9d79f6a63ee6021015708df47d28ad" https://mobile-symbol-upload.newrelic.com/symbol**
curl: (56) SSLRead() return error -9806

but it throws curl error: curl: (56) SSLRead() return error -9806 this is the verbose of this error

**curl -F dsym=@"/Users/pc_name/Desktop/dSYMs/Zipped.zip" -H "X-APP-LICENSE-KEY:AAe2e4ab995d9d79f6a63ee6021015708df47d28ad" https://mobile-symbol-upload.newrelic.com/symbol  -v**
***   Trying**
*** TCP_NODELAY set**
*** Connected to mobile-symbol-upload.newrelic.com ( port 443 (#0)**
*** TLS 1.2 connection using TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256**
*** Server certificate: *.newrelic.com**
*** Server certificate: GeoTrust SSL CA - G3**
*** Server certificate: GeoTrust Global CA**
**> POST /symbol HTTP/1.1**
**> Host: mobile-symbol-upload.newrelic.com**
**> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0**
**> Accept: */***
**> X-APP-LICENSE-KEY:AAe2e********************************
**> Content-Length: 16245590**
**> Expect: 100-continue**
**> Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------da9fea6c243e19fc**
**> **
**< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue**
*** SSLRead() return error -9806**
*** Closing connection 0**
**curl: (56) SSLRead() return error -9806**

Please help me out. I have to symbolicate the crash error .


There are 1 best solutions below


I got the solution, Instead of creating DSYM file using command

**/usr/bin/zip --recurse-paths --quiet "/Users/pc_name/Desktop//dSYMs/Zipped" "/Users/pc_name/Desktop/dSYMs/Gathapp.app.dSYM"**

You should download the DSYM file from https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/ Follow this step:

  1. Visit https://appstoreconnect.apple.com.
  2. Do login.
  3. My Apps -> Select you project -> Activity (List of all deployed build) -> click on build number of which you want to download the DSYM file -> There in Download DSYM file button (Bottom right).
  4. Download this file (already in zip/compressed format. No need to compress again).
  5. Upload this DSYM compressed file to your New Relic.

Thank you. Comment below in case of any releated issues.