DWORD mathematical operations in python

96 Views Asked by At

I have a C hashing function which I wish to convert to python.

But I am stumped on how to handle the DWORD mathematical operations like following snippets:

DWORD  dwResult = 0
DWORD dwNumValid = strlen(chararray);
dwResult = (dwResult << 3) | (dwResult >> (sizeof(DWORD)*8 - 3));
dwResult += somechararray[position];
dwHashLocal = dwResult
while (dwHashLocal)
  dwNewChar = dwHashLocal % dwNumValid;
  dwHashLocal /= dwNumValid;

I tried playing with import ctypes but am a total noob with byte conversions and operations.

Most of the errors are of sorts unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'c_ulong' and 'c_ulong'

Any pointers would be much appreciated


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