Dynamics 365 Business Central Token

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I'm attempting to gain access to Business Central Admin Center API, but I'm having some difficulties.

I'm having the idea that it has something to do with the app registration that I have made in the Azure Portal.

I have (as an admin user of the tenant) registered and app and given it "delegated permissions" to "Dynamics 365 Business Central" with access to "Financials.ReadWrite.All". I have also created a secret for the app.

My problem is that when I try to access the Admin Center API, I get a "403 Forbidden" response, so I assume that I have either forgotten something, I have created my app registration wrong somehow or that my attempt to access the API, is performed in an inaccurate manor.

If I try to examine the token I get, it doesn't show the permissions that I would expect and have seen in other cases (like with MS Graph API), so I'm thinking maybe it's the token that is the problem.

Here is the code that I use to retrieve a token and my attempt to use it afterwards - maybe someone can spot what I'm doing wrong.

Getting the token

var client_id = "removed_for_security_reasons";
var client_secret = "removed_for_security_reasons";
var tenant_id = "removed_for_security_reasons";

var token_url = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/" + tenant_id + "/oauth2/v2.0/token";

var client = new HttpClient();

var content = new StringContent(
    "&client_id="+ HttpUtility.UrlEncode(client_id) +
    "&client_secret="+ HttpUtility.UrlEncode(client_secret));

content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

var response = await client.PostAsync(token_url, content); 

// here i print the token so I can check it with jwt.io.

Attempting to use the token

var client = new HttpClient();

HttpRequestMessage req = new HttpRequestMessage();

req.Method = HttpMethod.Get;

req.RequestUri = new Uri("https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/admin/v2.11/applications/businesscentral/environments");
req.Headers.Authorization = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue(
                "Bearer", access_token);

var res = await client.SendAsync(req);

// this results in "403 Forbidden"

There is no further information given as to why this is forbidden, so I'm having a hard time pin pointing what the problem is.

Does anyone have suggestions?


OK, so I have tried to follow the description linked. It doesn't describe which permissions box to check though and it's also using PowerShell which I'm not - I'm using C# with HttpClient.

So, to not circle around this any further, please try to explain which to select here (see images) and/or what is wrong/missing.

Image 1 (the app), what is wrong/missing:

enter image description here

Image 2 (permissions 1), what is wrong/missing:

enter image description here

Image 3 (permissions 2), what is wrong/missing: (admin grant doesn't seem to change anything)

enter image description here

After this, I create a client secret and use the code posted initially. Of cause this isn't working as expected. If the code is wrong, then please point out what the problem is - referring to the description on the web doesn't help me, as it is vague at best.


There are 1 best solutions below


I think the issue is your combination of delegated permissions and trying to use the client credential flow.

Client credential flow requires application permissions which is also why your delegated permissions are not shown in your token. The client credential flow does not grant you the delegated permissions.

Even though it doesn't seem to be stated directly anywhere that Admin Center API doesn't support client credential flow, I think it is implied in the documentation.

In Using Service-to-Service (S2S) Authentication the Admin Center API is not mentioned in the Feature availability matrix and The Business Central Admin Center API does not mention client credential flow at all and all the example are using user impersonation.

Your App Registration looks okay to me. You will however need to provide the admin consent.

As described in the article I linked above you need to use MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library). Since you are using C# you need to use MSAL.NET.

I am not an expert on C#, but maybe this quickstart guide could lead you in the right direction.