Easy Admin - Display Full Country Name in Show Action

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I have an Address entity which requires a country. In the associated form I am using Symfony's CountryType which displays a user-friendly selection of countries and stores its abbreviation in the entity (e.g. DE for Germany or CH for Switzerland).

To display the address' country in the show action of the admin panel, I am using the following line in the easy_admin.yaml:

- { property: country, label: 'address.entity.country' }


This only displays the abbreviation and not the actual name of the country. How can I change that?

Country in Address entity:

 * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
private $country;

There are 2 best solutions below


I think the best solution would be to use the built in Symfony intl component.

composer require symfony/intl to install the component.

Then in your entity you can use Symfony\Component\Intl\Intl;.

I suggest creating a new property on your entity called countryName where the setter of that property gets called whenever you set the country code. Your setter could look something like this:

public function setCountryName (string $countryCode) 
    $this->countryName = Intl::getRegionBundle()->getCountryName(strtoupper($countryCode));

Then in your yaml file change address.entity.country to address.entity.countryName.


I think now using Intl::getRegionBundle() is deprecated, the best will be to use the Countries class of the Intl component of symfony in this way :

use Symfony\Component\Intl\Countries;

public function getCountryName ():string
    return Countries::getName($this->getCountry());