Efficient Nuxt generated static site hosting: Better on Amazon AWS or a Cloud Droplet

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not sure if it belongs here or is well titled, but I finish soon my first Nuxt project and I am not sure, where to host it.

Usually I would use a Ionos or digital ocean droplet, but I was told that aws amplify or S3 (I have no Idea about any solution) might be cheaper or maybe cost nothing, since it is a small project, cause it depends on how intense process are ...

If true, would that apply as well, when I would need to run git pull and then the build/generate process, once a day, to get new content (via nuxt/content)?

Sorry if expressed poorly and thanks in advance for any helpful suggestion.


There are 1 best solutions below


This question do not really belong to stackoverflow because it's essentially opinion based.

By order of preference, I do personally recommend those:

More on the official documentation of Nuxt: https://nuxtjs.org/docs/2.x/deployment/netlify-deployment