Efficient way to calculate the "product" of a discrete convolution

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I'm looking for an elegant way to compute the "product" of a discrete convolution, instead of the sum.

Here is the formula of a discrete convolution:

enter image description here

In this case we can use: conv(x,y)

Now I would like to implement those operations

enter image description here

Of course I can use a loop, but I'm looking for a trick in order to linearize this operation.


f = [2 4 3 9 7 1]
g = [3 2 1]

dist = length(g)-1;

for ii = 1:length(f)-dist
    x(ii) = prod(f(ii:ii+dist).*g)

x =

144    648   1134    378

There are 3 best solutions below


Another solution partly inspired by Dev-iL answer to relatively the same question

exp(sum(log(g))+conv(log(f),[1 1 1],'valid'))


exp(sum(log(g))+movsum(log(f),numel(g),'Endpoints', 'discard'))

since exp(sum(log(x))) = prod(x)

But here instead of one vector we have two vectors f and g.

The desired formula can be reformulated as:

enter image description here

Timing in octave:

f= rand(1,1000000);
g= rand(1,100);


    ind = bsxfun(@plus, 0:numel(f)-numel(g), (1:numel(g)).');
    x = prod(bsxfun(@times, f(ind), g(:)),1);
    prod(g)*prod(hankel(f(1:numel(g)), f(numel(g):end)));

    pf = cumprod(f);
    x = prod(g)*pf(numel(g):end)./[1 pf(1:(end-numel(g)))];


Elapsed time is 0.211445 seconds.
----------BSXFUN--------%Luis Mendo
Elapsed time is 1.94182 seconds.
Elapsed time is 1.46593 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.00748992 seconds.

Here's a way that avoids loops:

ind = bsxfun(@plus, 0:numel(f)-numel(g), (1:numel(g)).');
x = prod(bsxfun(@times, f(ind), g(:)), 1);

This works as follows. ind represents the sliding window of indices, each colummn corresponding to a displacement. For example, if g has size 3 the matrix ind will be

1 2 3 4 ...
2 3 4 5 ...
3 4 5 6 ...

This is used to index into f. The result is multiplied (with broadcast) by g as a column. Finally the product of elements of each column is computed.


cumprod solution: (very efficient)

>> pf = cumprod(f);
>> x = prod(g).*pf(numel(g):end)./[1 pf(1:(end-numel(g)))]

x =

         144         648        1134         378

This first takes the cumulative product of f using cumprod. By dividing each element by the cumulative product 3 elements before it, we get the product of each numel(g)-wide sliding window along f. Then just multiply by the product of the elements of g.

NOTE: When f has many elements, or extreme values (large or small), you could run into issues with accuracy or underflow/overflow when performing the cumulative product. One potential way to mitigate this would be to apply a scaling to f before the cumulative product, then undo it afterward:

c = ...set a scaling factor...
pf = cumprod(f./c);
x = prod(c.*g).*pf(numel(g):end)./[1 pf(1:(end-numel(g)))];

The choice for c could be something like mean(abs(f)) or max(abs(f)) so that the scaled f gives results that are better bounded (i.e. values closer to 1). This doesn't appreciably change the timing results below.

hankel solution: (not as efficient but still interesting)

>> x = prod(g).*prod(hankel(f(1:numel(g)), f(numel(g):end)))

x =

         144         648        1134         378

The call to hankel creates a matrix where each column has the contents of one of the numel(g)-wide sliding windows in it. Taking the product down each column then multiplying by the product of the elements of g gives your answer. However, for large vectors f and/or g this could involve a lot of extra computation and use a lot of memory.

Timing the results:

I tested 6 solutions (the loop in your question, 2 solutions from rahnema (conv(log) and movsum(log)), the bsxfun solution from Luis, and my cumprod and hankel solutions) using f = rand(1,1000000); and g = rand(1,100); and averaging over 40 iterations. Here's what I got (running Windows 7 x64, 16 GB RAM, MATLAB R2016b):

solution    | avg. time (s)
loop        |       1.10671
conv(log)   |       0.04984
movsum(log) |       0.03736
bsxfun      |       1.20472
cumprod     |       0.01469
hankel      |       1.17704