Efficiently compute the modulo of the sum of two numbers

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I have three N-bit numbers, A, B, and C. I cannot easily calculate (A + B) % C but I can easily calculate A % C and B % C. If the modulo operation is unsigned and I know ahead of time that A + B does not wrap around N bits then I can instead calculate ((A % C) + (B % C)) % C. However, is it possible to do anything for the cases where the modulo operation is signed or the addition of A and B might lead to a wrap-around.

It looks like there might be some confusion as to why ((A % C) + (B % C)) % C cannot be relied upon to always work. Here is an unsigned example:

unsigned A = 0x1U;
unsigned B = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
unsigned C = 0x3U;
((A % C) + (B % C)) % C == 0x1U but (A + B) % C == 0x0U

Here is a signed example:

int A = 0x1;
int B = 0xE27F9803;
int C = 0x3U;
((A % C) + (B % C)) % C == 0x1U but (A + B) % C == -2

There are 2 best solutions below


In math, integer division is normally rounded down towards negative infinity, and the sign of modulo is the same as the same of the "divisor" or it's zero: -10 mod 3 = 2 and 10 mod -3 = -2 (quotient rounded down to -4). In C / C++, integer division is rounded towards zero and the sign of % is the same as the sign of the "dividend" or "numerator" or it's zero, -10 mod 3 = -1 and 10 mod -3 = 1 (quotient rounded towards zero to -3). When doing finite field type math with C / C++, you need to do post correction so that the results match the mathematical definition of modulo. For example, if X % 3 = -1, then add 3 so that X mod 3 = +2.

Assuming C is positive, then the mathematical field modulo C consists of the numbers {0, 1, ... C-1}, without any negative numbers. If C was negative (this is unusual for modulo), then the field is {0, -1, -2, ... C+1}. Assuming C is positive, then if A or B is negative, it is still safe to use ((A%C)+(B%C))%C, and then post correct if the result is negative by adding C to the result.


What you want is:



a+b = k 2^n + d

Where k = 0 or 1 and d < 2^n.

Plugging in you get:

 ((k 2^n + d) % 2^n) % c = (d % 2^n) % c = d % c

Taking the previous expression modulo c you get

 (a + b) % c = (k 2^n + d) % c => d % c = a % c + b % c - k 2^n % c

With n = 32, in C:

unsigned myMod(unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned c)
     // k = 1 if the sum overflows
     unsigned k = ( a > UINT_MAX - b or b > UINT_MAX - a);

     return ( a % c + b % c -  k*(UINT_MAX%c + 1))%c;

myMod(0x1U,0xFFFFFFFFU,0x3U) == 0