Elixir "no match of right hand side value" in controller Phoenix

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I'm using the framework Phoenix with Ecto Mongo and I'm trying to get all Groups(My model) and loop this in view.

@groups = Group |> GlobalDocs.Repo.all

And I'm getting this message error:

no match of right hand side value: [%Group{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded>, avatar_url: nil, description: "", group_id: 123, id: "585ea2ce6e8dee0a6c04ecf6", name: "TryGroup", slug: "try_group"}]

Why this? If I run this in IEx, this code works.

Thanks for this.


There are 1 best solutions below


Elixir and Phoenix do not work the same way as Ruby and Rails does.

When you use an @ variable. They are called module attributes. In Phoenix, you do not use module attributes in order to have a variable accessible in a view like you would with rails.

In Phoenix, you would use something like the following.

groups = GlobalDocs.Repo.all(Group)

render conn, "index.html", groups: groups

Now, in your view, you will have access to a @groups variable.