Empty config object in JS

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Using RN 64.0 and fastlane, I have the following build command

desc 'Build the Staging Android application.'
    lane :build_staging do
      gradle(task: 'clean', project_dir: 'android/')
      gradle(task: 'assemble', flavor: "staging", build_type: 'release', project_dir: 'android/')

In app/build.gradle I have added the env. config files like so:

project.ext.envConfigFiles = [
    stagingdebug: ".env.staging",
    stagingrelease: ".env.staging",
    productiondebug: ".env.production",
    productionrelease: ".env.production",

For some reason when I run the build command, in other words fastlane android build_production, and install the apk on a device, the config file is an empty object when being consumed from import env from 'react-native-config';

When I run npx react-native run-android --variant stagingrelease", the app works as expected and gets the config.


There are 1 best solutions below


injecting hte env gradle(...) command on fastlane did the the trick. The expected behavior was for it to resolve the right file based on the {{flavor}}{{build type}} which doesn't seem to work with fastlane as of right now.


gradle(task: 'assemble', flavor: "staging", build_type: 'Release', project_dir: 'android/', system_properties: {"ENVFILE": ".env.staging" })