Enable SSL authentication between Apache Ace and Management agent

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I am trying to enable two way ssl authentication between Apache Ace and management agent(by following the document http://ace.apache.org/dev-doc/design/using-client-certificates.html). To achieve this , first of all i created the required certificates by following the steps mentioned below:

Step#1) Created a self-signed certificate authority using OpenSSL by excecuting the command below:

openssl req -x509 -new -config Certi/X509CA/openssl.cnf -days 365 -out Certi/X509CA/ca/new_ca.pem -keyout Certi/X509CA/ca/new_ca_pk.pem

This command created a certificate new_ca.pem and its private key new_ca_pk.pem.

Step#2) Imported the certificate new_ca.pem to keystore file named truststore by using following command

keytool -import -alias truststore -keystore truststore -file new_ca.pem

Step#3) Created certificate for the management agent, available in a Java keystore file, called keystore-ma.jks.

keytool -genkey -dname "CN=<hostIP>, OU=IT, O=<Organization Name>, ST=UP, C=IN" -validity 365 -alias keystore-ma -keypass secret -keystore keystore-ma.jks -storepass secret

Step#4) Created a CSR:

keytool -certreq -alias keystore-ma -file keystore-ma_csr.pem -keypass secret -keystore keystore-ma.jks -storepass secret

Step#5) Signed the certificate using the certificate authority created in Step 1.

openssl ca -config X509CA/openssl.cnf -days 365 -cert C:/X509CA/ca/new_ca.pem -keyfile C:/X509CA/ca/new_ca_pk.pem -in C:/X509CA/ca/keystore-ma_csr.pem -out C:/X509CA/ca/keystore-ma.pem

Step#6) Imported the certificate in a kestore file named keystore-ma

keytool -import -alias keystore-ma -keystore keystore-ma -file keystore-ma.pem

Similar steps(3-6) were followed to create and sign the cetificate or the ACE server, available in a Java keystore file, called keystore-server.

Then i updated the Platform.properties of Ace Server to include the additional properties and started Ace Server:


Started ace-launcher.jar with the following command:

java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/path/to/truststore -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=secret -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/path/to/keystore-ma -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=secret -jar org.apache.ace.launcher-0.8.1-SNAPSHOT.jar  discovery=https://<Ace Server Ip>:8443 identification=MyTarget

i tried multiple times by changing the discovery url to

 1) https://<Ace Server Ip>:8080
 2) http://<Ace Server Ip>:8080
 3) https://<Ace Server Ip>:8443

But the target was not registered in the Ace Server. Am i using the correct URLs to connect to Ace server through HTTPS? Also how to confirm if my Ace Server is configured to accept HTTPS traffic from the management agent?


There are 1 best solutions below


I see you use a distinguished name (DN) with more than only a common name.
By convention, the hostname as common name is used for certificate validation. It should work if you create a certificate with CN=hostname-of-target (IP address is not sufficient).

Another hint I can give you for troubleshooting SSL errors: use -Djavax.net.debug=ssl for the server, it will spit out lots of information, but gives detailed information on what is going on and what causes the error.