Error executing "takeown" command from "runas" in batch file

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I wrote a little program to automate:

  1. Taking own of a file/folder for a specified User.
  2. Get (for the same User) FULL CONTROL of the file/folder.

Now, it is well know that takeown.exe wants cmd.exe to be run as Administrator rights. So, to do in a batch file (most of the time called from a non-Administrator cmd window), I run:

call runas /noprofile /user:"!domain!\!runasUsr!" "cmd /k takeown /f ""!entity!"" /r"

However, even though I pass as !runAsUsr! a name which is contained in the Administrators Group, I get:

ERROR: the user currently connected does not have the ownership privileges on file/folder ...

I tried setting !runAsUsr! = Administrators, but unfortunately I do not remember the password (if I even set one...). For that, I could change from computer manager (or net command), but I do not well know how that command works, so I wouldn't mess things up.

But still, I do not understand why I get that error since the User I pass is within the Administrators group..

I see from computer manager that default account for computer administration is User:Administrator of the Group:Administrators, so this might be the problem. So, how to set the other account to have same rights?

I also tried

call runas /noprofile /user:"!domain!\Administrator" "cmd /k takeown /f ""!entity!"" /r"

getting following error:

ERROR RUNAS: impossible to execute - cmd /k takeown /f "C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\extensions\css" /r
1327: restriction on user account do not allow this user to get access. 
For example, empty password field not allowed, access times restrictions or application of restriction criteria.

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