Error in Cloud-Connetion for connection with my BD(SQL Server 2012 Express)

120 Views Asked by At

I'm brazilian and my english is very bad, so sorry, rs

I'm trying to create a cloud-connection with SqlServer connection but is showing an error when performed the connection validation. Error: Can not connect to DB: Network error IOException: Connection refused: connect

Filled fields: User: sa Pass: URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://LOCALHOST:1433/TOTVALE11 JDBC specific: MS SQL server 2008-2012 * My sql server is SQL Server 2012 express

I'm try: - Enable remote access to the database - Enable SQL-Server port in firewall Windows But without success

Link used for configuration:

Does anyone know what could be?

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There are 1 best solutions below


The error message ususally refers to the issue of the dynamic port server settings. Try to go to Windows-Start->Programs->Microsoft SQL Server 20xx->Configuration Tools->SQL-ServerConfiguration-Manager. Once the tool starts go to SQL-Server-Network-config -> protocols for [instance name], Open TCP/IP at right site, Choose the IP-Adresses and Scroll down to IP All. Insert in the field for TCP-Port your port 1433 and Restart SQL-Server service.