Error in using Karma with SystemJS, gulp, and TypeScript

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I am new to node.js stack like npm, gulp etc. I had wrote some JavaScript unit test cases earlier, and now want to use Karma as test runner. However, after a few attempts I am completely lost now.

To start, I have following project configurations:

  • SystemJS as module loader.
  • Folder structre (some are omitted for brevity):

    |--build //contains all gulp tasks
    |--dist //contains the output (*.html, *.js etc.)
    |--src //contains the source .html, and *.ts
    |--tests //contains unit tests in *.ts. I also have a gulp task to build tests/**/*.ts to *.js in the same folder.
    |--typings //contains type definitions
    |--config.js //contains SystemJS configuration
  • karma.conf.js

    // Karma configuration        
    module.exports = function (config) {
            basePath: '',
            frameworks: [ 'qunit'],
            files: [
                'dist/custom/*.js' //,
            exclude: [        ],
            preprocessors: {        },
            reporters: ['progress'],
            port: 9876,
            colors: true,
            logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
            autoWatch: true,
            browsers: ['Chrome'],
            singleRun: false,
            concurrency: Infinity

However, whenever I do karma start, I have error Uncaught TypeError: Unexpected anonymous System.register call.. Is there anyway to resolve this?

Other Attempts:

  1. Tried to create a gulp task, according to But have same problem.
  2. Tried to use karma-systemjs. And the karma.conf.js was different as follows:

    // Karma configuration        
    module.exports = function (config) {
            frameworks: [ 'systemjs', 'qunit'],
            plugins: ['karma-systemjs', 'karma-chrome-launcher', 'karma-firefox-launcher'],
            systemjs: {
                configFile: 'config.js',
                serveFiles: ['jspm_packages/**/*.js'],
                config: {
                    transpiler: 'babel'

    And in this case I got following error, though I have both SystemJs and Babel installed:

    [WARNING] Looking up paths with require.resolve() is deprecated.
    Please add "systemjs" to your SystemJS config paths.
    Cannot find "systemjs".
      Did you forget to install it ?
      npm install systemjs --save-dev
    [WARNING] Looking up paths with require.resolve() is deprecated.
    Please add "babel" to your SystemJS config paths.
    Cannot find "babel-core".
      Did you forget to install it ?
      npm install babel-core --save-dev

Any help in this regard will be great.


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