Can anyone explain me, what is going wrong in the confidence interval estimation?

x1 <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,0 ,1)
m1 <- c(2  , 3 , 38 , 64 , 88, 113 ,250)
n1 <- c(1 , 1 , 1 , 2  ,1,  1, 56)


pooledBin(x=x1, m=m1, n=n1)
Error in if (abs( - p.old) < tol) done <- 1 : 
      missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I do not get any error if I use the ci.method "mir":

pooledBin(x=x1, m=m1, n=n1,ci.method = "mir")

PointEst    Lower    Upper 
       1e-04    0e+00    2e-04 

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