Error when clicking on a link that opens a pop up on moodle 3.5

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I have updated my module from moodle 3.2 to moodle 3.5 and receive these errors in the debug web console:

moodle-core-event: Global event published: FORM_ERROR

yui_combo.php?rollup/3.17.2/yui-moodlesimple.js:5828 moodle-core-event:

Global event published: BLOCK_CONTENT_UPDATED

These errors show when opening a pop up with atto editor so notes can be saved. Unfortunately, I can't save the notes and it seems the above errors are causing the issue.

I have tracked down a similar error on the moodle forum site:

However, no solution has been marked. Sadly no apache errors are showing so I can't narrow down the problem.

Can someone shed some light on these errors?


There are 1 best solutions below


Just checking the obvious, but did you purge the caches? Javascript is cached

Administration > Site administration > Development > Purge all caches


php admin/cli/purge_caches.php

I always turn the cache off in config.php in a development environment $CFG->cachejs = false; but never on production, which has caught me out before.

Also, you might need to run grunt to minify the javascript files, then add the minified files to the git repository

If your javascript is in a folder called amd

grunt amd

If your javascript is in a folder called yui/src/something

grunt shifter

Or just

grunt js