Error while instaling Padre 1.0 on Windows, Strawberry Perl v5.20, how find root cause?

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I'm trying create DWIM for Windows perl v5.20 So I install all depenencies for Padre 1.0 Padre-ide github repo, dwimperl-windows

and I have errors in dmake test


Have you got any ideas how to repair it?

All errors make me confusing, I couldn't imagine how start debug padre to find core of error (root cause)

even for first error

t/02_new.t ................. 1/62 # Looks like you planned 62 tests but ran 1.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 just after 1.

or second

t/05_project.t ............. 1/16 Invalid version format (non-numeric data) at C
:\Users\TOSH\Documents\GitHub\padre-mi\blib\lib/Padre/Wx/Menu/ line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at C:\Users\TOSH\Documents\GitHub\padre-mi\blib\lib/Padre/Wx/Menu/ line 5.
Compilation failed in require at C:\Users\TOSH\Documents\GitHub\padre-mi\blib\lib/Padre/Wx/ line 72.
# Looks like you planned 16 tests but ran 2.

well, I try the same thing with Padre 0.94 here build.log

error is more interesting Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at


I start debug step by step

perl -Ilib -MCarp::Always -e "use Test::More;use_ok('Padre::Config');done_testing()" > error.log 2>&1

and I got

Error:  Failed to find share dir for dist 'Padre' at C:/Users/TOSH/Documents/GitHub/dwimperl-windows/strawberry-perl- line 173.

see error.log


There are 1 best solutions below


I would re-install DWIM as described below:

  1. Download DWIM from here

  2. Install DWIM into C:\DWIMPerl_5.14.2 and test installation. Then start Padre

enter image description here

  1. Padre up and running

enter image description here

This was done successfully on Windows 7 Professional.