Escape pipe symbol in Spring REST Docs

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I need to document an API that accepts a JSON represented by this class:

public class Message {
    @NotNull(message = "Sender cannot be null")
    private String sender;
    @Pattern(regexp="HI|HELLO",message = "Message can be only 'HI' or 'HELLO'")
    private String content;
    // Constructor, Getters and Setters..

Spring Docs autogenerates the following snippet:

.Request fields:

|Must not be null
|Sender of the message

|Must match the regular expression `HI|HELLO`
|Content of the message


Which is used by Asciidoctor to create a table in the pdf. However, in the pdf, the table is broken (because of the pipe):

enter image description here

How can I escape the pipe within the regular expression?

I found this issue, but seems to be related to another project.

This is the test class to generate the documentation (JUnit5):

@AutoConfigureRestDocs(outputDir = "target/snippets")
public class HomeControllerTest {

    private MockMvc mockMvc;
    public void postMessageTest() throws Exception {
        ConstrainedFields constrainedFields = new ConstrainedFields(Message.class);
                .andDo(document("home-message", requestFields(
                        attributes(key("title").value("Request fields:")),
                        constrainedFields.withPath("sender").description("Sender of the message"),
                        constrainedFields.withPath("content").description("Content of the message")

    private static class ConstrainedFields {
        private final ConstraintDescriptions constraintDescriptions;
        ConstrainedFields(Class<?> input) {
            this.constraintDescriptions = new ConstraintDescriptions(input);
        private FieldDescriptor withPath(String property) {
            return fieldWithPath(property).attributes(key("constraints").value(
                    // Let's assume there is only one constraint for each property

The full project to reproduce the issue is here.


There are 1 best solutions below


probably not the best solution, but, after doing little research, I found out that a simple \ character is enough to escape pipe character in asciidoctor documents (source). our goal then is to get this line in the .adoc snippet:

|Must match the regular expression `HI\|HELLO`

this is the method that extracts "constraints descriptions" in your code:

private FieldDescriptor withPath(String property) {
    return fieldWithPath(property).attributes(key("constraints").value(
            // Let's assume there is only one constraint for each property

here we have "full control" over the text that will be written in the .adoc. we could for example take the constraint description from constraintDescriptions.descriptionsForProperty(property), apply our escaping and than pass the escaped string to .value():

private FieldDescriptor withPath(String property) {
    // Let's assume there is only one constraint for each property
    String desc = constraintDescriptions.descriptionsForProperty(property).get(0);
    desc = desc.replace("|", "\\|");
    return fieldWithPath(property).attributes(key("constraints").value(desc));

this will produce the escaped line in the .adoc and will be correctly rendered in the .pdf:
