evaluate multivariate Normal/Gaussian Density in c++

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Right now I have the following function to evaluate the Gaussian density:

double densities::evalMultivNorm(const Eigen::VectorXd &x, const Eigen::VectorXd &meanVec, const Eigen::MatrixXd &covMat)
    double inv_sqrt_2pi = 0.3989422804014327;
    double quadform  = (x - meanVec).transpose() * covMat.inverse() * (x-meanVec);
    double normConst = pow(inv_sqrt_2pi, covMat.rows()) * pow(covMat.determinant(), -.5);
    return normConst * exp(-.5* quadform);

This is just transcribing the formula. However I get a lot of 0, nans and infs. I suspect it's coming from the covMat.determinant() portion being very close to zero.

I have heard that it is more "stable" to premultiply x-meanVec by the inverse of a "square root" of its covariance matrix. Statistically this gives you a random vector that is mean zero and has the identity matrix as its covariance matrix. My questions are:

  1. Is this truly the best way to go?
  2. Which is the "best" square root technique, and
  3. How do I do it? (Preferably using Eigen)

There are 1 best solutions below


Ad 1: "Depends". E.g., if your covariance matrix has a special structure which makes it easy to calculate its inverse or if the dimension is very small, it can be faster and more stable to actually calculate the inverse.

Ad 2: Usually, Cholesky decomposition does the job. If your covariance is truly positive definite (i.e., not to close to a semidefinite matrix), decompose covMat = L*L^T and compute squaredNorm(L\(x-mu)) (where x=A\b means "Solve A*x=b for x"). Of course, if your covariance is fixed, you should compute L only once (and perhaps invert it as well). You should use L to compute sqrt(covMat.determinant()) as well, since computing the determinant would otherwise require to decompose covMat again. Minor improvement: instead of pow(inv_sqrt_2pi, covMat.rows()) compute logSqrt2Pi=log(sqrt(2*pi)) and then return exp(-0.5*quadform - covMat.rows()*logSqrt2Pi) / L.determinant().

Ad 3: This should run in Eigen 3.2 or later:

double foo(const Eigen::VectorXd &x, const Eigen::VectorXd &meanVec, const Eigen::MatrixXd &covMat)
    // avoid magic numbers in your code. Compilers will be able to compute this at compile time:
    const double logSqrt2Pi = 0.5*std::log(2*M_PI);
    typedef Eigen::LLT<Eigen::MatrixXd> Chol;
    Chol chol(covMat);
    // Handle non positive definite covariance somehow:
    if(chol.info()!=Eigen::Success) throw "decomposition failed!";
    const Chol::Traits::MatrixL& L = chol.matrixL();
    double quadform = (L.solve(x - meanVec)).squaredNorm();
    return std::exp(-x.rows()*logSqrt2Pi - 0.5*quadform) / L.determinant();